In The GC has been running now for 18 months and it's been a great experience, but I think now is the time to take a break and re-evaluate where I am and what I'm writing.
It's fair to say that the blog hasn't achieved what I hoped it would in 18 months, but as a novice writer, an enthusiast, it's also not surprising. Pro-cycling blogging is a competitive world and there are many, many others far more well informed than me. My enthusiasm has slowly dwindled over the last couple of months as my posts have become lazy and little more than a regurgitation of everybody else's old news. Recently married and with plenty going on aside from cycling it really is difficult to find the time to write anything of worth whilst maintaining a full-time job and other commitments, and though at times it's extremely fun, at others it becomes a chore.
I want to thank everyone who has read, commented and tweeted on and about the blog over the last 18 months. It's been great to make some new friends and to share my writing and views with you. I've had some great support from many of you via the blog, twitter and even from within the world of professional cycling.
I may be back for the Vuetla in late August if I decide a re-vamp and a bit of re-direction will help put the blog firmly on the map. For now though it's time to reflect on the last 18 months and to find out exactly where the future may lead. I will still be around on Twitter, thanks for all of the support the blog has recieved to date and most importantly of all - enjoy the racing!